The South Korea project

The South Korea project

Global challenge, local solutions: SMART Korean Solutions!

  • dedicated customer service person
  • comprehensive knowledge of import and export
  • customized solutions
  • competitive offer

South Korea is a world leader in electronics manufacturing and is at the forefront of implementing innovations and technological advances.

Among the most popular exports are:
☑︎ electronic products (including giants such as Samsung and LG),
☑︎ cars (such as Hyundai, Kia and Daewoo brands) and car accessories,
☑︎ machinery and mechanical equipment
☑︎ household goods
☑︎ plastics and products made from them.

All of these items usually arrive by sea, such as from the port of Busan, which ranks sixth in terms of container throughput in the world and is the largest seaport in South Korea.

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